My THIS AND THAT JOURNAL is still a work in progress! In fact, some of the pages have empty spaces for some of the new things that pop up that I know I'll want to throw in there! This page is a compilation of random pictures that I love looking at. Some are old and some are new – but all of them make me smile!
I've loved all of the comments on what YOU would do with YOUR own THIS AND THAT JOURNAL! I will be posting some of them here tomorrow. BUT…I know you've all been axiously awaiting the announcement of who won the THIS AND THAT JOURNAL! First, I would like to thank each and every one of you who left comments and especially to those of you who routinely visit and comment! They mean so much to me! Sometimes I wonder who is out there! LOL! I love knowing that some of you gain inspiration from my posts as I do yours.
I love this Journal so much that I am giving away one to a random BLOG commenter and one to a random Facebook Fan. So, the BLOG WINNER IS…..KIM B!!!! (Kim, Please email me with your name and address and I will get your THIS AND THAT JOURNAL right out to you!) If you'd like another opportunity to win – jump over to my Facebook Page and leave a comment. I'll be announcing that winner tonight! :-D Thanks so much to everyone for playing along!