One of the best things about being an Empty Nester is having the time to spend with good friends. I’ve been blessed with valued friends I actually want to see more of. During the years my kids were in school, I had the privilege of working with some pretty extraordinary women on various PTA Boards and Committees. When my kids were graduating, I knew I’d miss spending time with some of them so I started a Book Club and invited them to join. It’s one of the highlights of my month!
They’re such amazing women and we’re going on our 5th year! Once a year, we get together for a Movie Night to watch a Movie of one of the books that we’ve read during the year. This year, it was Still Alice. I didn’t know what I was going to do so I headed to Pinterest and looked up “Movie Night.” Holy Cow! These Chicks go ALL OUT! There were lots of recipes and printables and ideas! Wow! So…I picked a few and went to town. My trusty Pizzeria Pronto Oven was perfect for the pre-movie Pizza. I made a few pies so we’d have something other than candy and popcorn to eat. LOL
I popped 40 cups of popcorn! I know that sounds like a crazy amount but it really isn’t. I found the adorable Popcorn boxes and Movie Themed Plates and Napkins on Amazon. (I’m obsessed with Amazon Prime – but that’s a story for another day!) I made Caramel Popcorn as the first step of this recipe for Zebra Caramel Corn. It was so freakin’ delicious that I made another 10 cups and started again ’cause I knew everyone would love it. So, after I baked the second batch, I let it cool and drizzled it with White Chocolate and Semi-Sweet Chocolate. OMG! You cannot even IMAGINE how delicious this is! It was GONE before the movie even started!
I used THIS Recipe for Caramel Popcorn Balls as a Party Favor (‘Cause that’s how we roll! LOL) and cut out the “Movie Tickets” and attached them to the bags.
All-in-all, it was a complete success but the Zebra Caramel Corn was really the hit of the night!
I hope you enjoyed a little window into my world. Thanks for stopping by! 😀